Monday 27 December 2010

End of The Year

Hey! What's up?? End of the year, have a new plan? Hahaha! Well, I haven't planned anything. Okay, 2010 will soon end. And February will soon come. And I'll soon be 16! ARRGGHH! Getting old is suck! Well, okay, not that suck. I just astonish how this world turn so fast. I remembered, I had just had my 15th birthday, but now is the end of 2010? How fast la!

Wish-list for 2011 :
-Be a good sixteen-years-old girl.
-There will be a drama for Yan Ge and Wu Ge. Seriously, they need to act together in a drama. (ChunLun fangirl *drools*)
-Buy a capo.
-Finishing my goddamn school project.
-Buy a new glasses.
-Listen to Yan Ge head-voice more. Honestly, the songs in the Super Hot album aren't challenging, tho it's all catchy :). They should put a song like 你應該被珍惜.
-Improving my English and my singing.
-Go to South-Korea.
-Last but not least, I hope I won't forget how to thanks to God who have given a life till now, my parents who always take care of me, my friends who always make my day, and for my lovely Yan Ge, Wu Ge, Da Ge, and Chen Ge, who never fails to make me smile. 謝謝你!!

So many wishes. Well, human never stop wishing, don't they? Just hope that everything has been passed is really meaningful for my life. Every happening is a pleasure. Well,
再見!! 新年快樂!! ^^

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