Monday 7 February 2011


Seven February, 11.13, sixteen years ago. A little girl was born. She was very cute, cute little girl. BZZTTT!! Okay, lets stop this creepy dramatic story. This cute little girl, was me. Well, okay, not that cute, but at least I was a little girl. And a little girl is always a cute one (so it means, I was cute).

Okay, random. Next, what else? Well, today is my birthday. But somehow, I'm not on the mood. And writing this kinda-angst post (okay, not angst) is a bit weird since I always try to write something encouraging. Okay, end of the story. Lets start the real one.


Today, is my birthday. Sixteen years ago, I was born in a small hospital in Magelang, Central Java. It was 11.13 (or at least that's what my mother told me). Be the second child of the family wasn't that bad. Has a weird-loud-older sister, and a spoiled younger brother. A chemistry-genius father, and a math-master mother. And as the result: A chemistry-failed-and-math-lover girl. 哈哈哈!

Now, I'm already 16. Living in this world for sixteen years, isn't a short time. A year ago, I was still a junior-high-school student. Five years ago, I was still an elementary school student. And sixteen years ago, I was born.

After 16 years, I feel that I have had so many things. Experiences, inspirations, loves. Nowadays, I'm busy with my school activity. It's terribly busy. And yeah, I'm enjoying it. Go home at p.m., sleep at 00.00. I'm enjoying it. I never know how long it will last, but sometimes, I wanna stop. Resting from the business, runaway from everything. But then I realize, I can't runaway. The only choice that I have is doing this or dead. Yeah, dead. That's the easiest way for us to runaway, rite?

So, in my 16th years of my life, as I've wished last year, I wanna be a good-sixteen-years-old girl. I wanna be happy, so I will smile. I wanna smile, so I'll be happy. I wanna be sad, so I'll cry. I wanna cry, so I'll be free. I wanna be free, so I'll laugh. And I wanna love, so I'll be loved.

Sixteen years old, is a new start.


This world is too busy
How can it be heard
One heart calling out to another one's beat

No matter how busy this world becomes
Luckily that we still
Are very quiet here

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